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Putting The “U” in Success Featured

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Through the eyes of Zainab...

There are many ways to achieve success in life. It all depends on your definition of success. Success can mean a lot of things, for some it can be getting that perfect job, that dream house or it may even be giving that life changing presentation to your boss. In order to achieve success it will take a good amount of time, effort and patience. You just have to follow your dreams and not give up! You will also face many obstacles and will have to overcome them. Here are some helpful tips to achieving success in life. Follow them and you will see success come to you in no time!

1. Start NOW!

If success means getting that dream job you have always wanted, then wait no more! Begin now, do what it takes to get to it. Whether it means going back to school or gaining relevant work experience through a CO-OP program, internship, or a new job! Think about what your goals are and then begin to start achieving them. Make your goals attainable and give yourself a reasonable time span to achieve them. Remember to start small and work your way up.

2. Face the Hurdles!

For every step you take in life, you will face obstacles. There will be some hurdles that will compel you to quit and give up your dreams. That being said, the best way to overcome them is to be ready to face them. We've all heard of the saying 'hope for the best, but prepare for the worst', so have a backup plan if you're initial attempt isn't successful. Keep in mind that there is more than one way to achieve your dreams. Face the obstacles and conquer them!

3. Don't be a quitter!

Don't give up halfway! Your journey will not be short (sometimes it can take months, and even years), and it will not be easy; whatever the time span, just stick to it. Like they say: “quitters often don't taste success,” so have patience and keep working hard, success will come to you! Take my word for it!


Read 366670 times Last modified on Saturday, 07 March 2015 23:36
Monday, 02 March 2015 22:00


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