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Top Ten Halloween-y Home Decors Featured

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Oh, Halloween- a night for kids and adults alike get to dress up in outrageous (and expensive) costumes and consume more candy than is advisable. It is also a night for homeowners to make their houses look like graveyards and haunted mansions for the eager trick-or-treaters that come to the door. If you want to make your home look spooky without breaking the bank, check out our list of the Top Ten Halloween Home Decorations you and your family can use to make your home look like its haunted.
10. Fake Cobwebs.
If you want to make your home look like a giant spider has crawled all over it, head to your nearest party supply store and pick up some fake cobwebs. They stick to the brick of your house, and you can even put fake spiders or skulls in it to give it an added spooky effect. If your budget it a little tight, you can always take some cotton balls and just pull them apart to look like fake cobwebs!
9. Tombstones
If you have some extra ply-wood and a saw around the house, you can make your own tombstones that stick into your lawn. After you have cut the wood into the shape of a tombstone, you can paint it and inscribe on it any fictionally deceased person you want! 
8. Broomsticks
Nothing says Halloween like a witches broomstick. If you have an old fashioned broom around the house, throw it on your front porch. If you don't have an old-fashioned broom, take a small piece of wood and tie a bunch of sticks and branches to it to give it that authentic witch feel.
7. Scarecrow
On Halloween, a scarecrow on your front porch will truly live up to its name. All you need are some old clothes and a few bag's of leaves to give the clothes some shape. After that, sit the scarecrow on a chair in front of your door and watch costumed children approach it with caution.
6. Felt Bats
This Halloween decor is both simple and affordable. Trace out the image of a bat onto a large piece of felt, then cut out the images until you have a swarm of them. Then take the swarm, and place them all over your house until it looks like a bat cave. 
5. Colored Light-bulbs
One of the simplest and most cost effective ways to make your house look spooky is to change the colour of your porch lights. You can make them green, blue, and even red. The change in lighting will then make all of your other decorations look much scarier than they would in regular light.
4. Caution Tape 
If you want to make your house look like a spooky episode of CSI, just string up some caution tape around your porch and lawn to give it that eerie crime scene effect.
3. Spooky Music
Although this is technically not a “decoration”, having spooky music or sounds playing out of a hidden stereo will definitely add to the overall creepiness of your house. Be sure to put the CD on repeat, so that you don't have to manually replay it throughout the night. 
2. Skeleton Cut Outs
Much like the felt bats, you can easily make and trace paper skeleton cutouts to be hung on your front porch. If not, you can go to any party store and pick up a glow-in-the-dark skeleton that you can hang on your front door.
1. Jack-o-lanterns
What's Halloween without a spooky jack-o-lantern lighting up your front porch? The best thing about it is the fact that you can carve whatever you want into the pumpkin! Use your imagination, get a few stencils off the Internet, and throw down some newspaper so you can carve your favorite image into the pumpkin.
Read 160685 times Last modified on Wednesday, 23 October 2013 23:00
Wednesday, 23 October 2013 23:00


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